Since I haven't made a 'Pride' month post 🙄and it's almost over 🙏, I thought I better do so before it's too late. This is THE Absolute Best 2 min I have ever heard addressing this abomination! Don't @ me! I didn't say it. GOD did!! 💥🔥✝️
IT'S OVER! The democrats will never win again! Their black as sin 🖤s were on full display for all to see tonight. These people are filled w/satanic hatred the likes of which we've never seen before. You've got to be some kind of a horrible excuse of a human being to sit there on your hands w/no sympathy whatsoever for these precious people, your fellow countrymen even, who've endured such 💔.
Stand to honor Laken Riley & her mother? ❌
Stand for a precious lil' boy w/brain cancer? ❌
Show respect for the slain NYPD officer's widow? ❌
Show respect for the widow/daughters of man slain at Butler? ❌
Stand for the man jailed in Russia for 14 yrs & his 95yo mom? ❌
Stand for the mother of the 12yo girl murdered by illegals? ❌
These people are so evil and depraved that they couldn't even realize that by their very actions they were showing all of America the depth of just how dark their 🖤s truly are! They're demons that must be rooted out. #StandForRighteousness ✝️ #StandForAmerica 🇺🇸