I'm telling you ..... for the life of me, twenty yrs ago I could not have even begun to fathom what I am witnessing now on a daily basis (even amongst so called conservatives) in this country! Anymore folks literally don't think twice about asking for handouts expecting others to provide for them. I'm seeing it all over. Have we been that infected w/socialism that now there's not even a second thought given to being a beggar?? I'm sorry but I just cannot reconcile w/this philosophy. I have zero respect for someone that's grown and yet expects everyone else to pay their bills for them - ZERO! It's no one else's responsibility to provide for my family. No One! It's mine and ONLY mine! Not my parents. Not my siblings. Not my children. And certainly not my friends, acquaintances, and strangers! IT'S MINE AND MINE ALONE! Period. End of Story w/exceptions being only elderly or severely disabled if they need help of course - that being a whole different story! Whatever happened to work ethic and pride and taking personal responsibility for where we are at the moment and then getting off our butts to go change those circumstances?? I'm tellin' ya .... sadly there's a sucker born everyday not to mention sweet elderly folks w/big hearts that are being taken advantage of on a daily basis by piece of crap con artists who have zero conscience and care about no one other than their own sorry lazy selves!! These people make me sick! 😡🤮
I'm sorry but if what I was doing wasn't providing for my wife and kids, I'd go DO SOMETHING ELSE or maybe 2 or 3 something elses! Duh! 🫤 I'd do whatever it took! Me! I WOULD! And I can promise you one thing - I certainly wouldn't be standing on some street corner by Walmart or on some social media platform begging others to help me! It's NOT others' responsibility to take care of me. IT'S MINE!!! Heck I even feel bad when someone gives me a gift at Christmas. Maybe that's wrong ... I don't know. 🤷♂️ I just know that you will never ever see me asking others to do for me what God has given me the ability to do for myself! For crying out loud, you're an American! HAVE SOME FRIKKIN PRIDE ABOUT YOURSELF! No one owes you anything! U are a GROWN man or woman. It's your responsibility to use the common sense God gave you! Make the tough decisions. Sell the house and downsize. Manage your money better! Do whatever it takes to work your way out of the hole! And if what you are doing ISN'T working then maybe try something different Sherlock! 🧐 But for God's sake, STOP asking others to pay your way!
Maybe I'm 'old school' in this regard but I just can't! I can't! It just infuriates me! 😤 I'd rather lose every last thing I have before asking others for welfare. I don't know about y'all but I was raised in a different day. I was raised to have a good kind of 'pride' - ya know where u take pride in what you do and you do it to the best of your ability - a time where you earn your keep. Hey buddy - don't expect a million dollar payday for a piss poor effort! The 1st step to getting on the right track is taking FULL responsibility for where you are starting right here and right NOW! Stop expecting others to fix your problems. YOU make the necessary adjustments even if that involves temporary setbacks for the time being. U can't keep doing the same thing over and over and over expecting to get different results! That's the definition of INSANITY! 🤪 STOP making excuses! STOP looking to others for handouts. STOP lying! STOP playin' the 'victim'. No one likes hanging around someone playin' "Ain't It Awful" 😞 all day. STOP scamming people! STOP begging! It's pitiful and only makes you look pitiful in the eyes of others. No one respects needy! Have some dignity for crying out loud! You live in the greatest and wealthiest country in all of human history. STOP being a moocher and start being a contributor. Wanna make America great again? Stop being part of the problem. Start providing value to people in whatever it is that you do and you will be amazed just how quickly things turn around for you! But it all starts with a decision - a decision to live w/integrity and to do what is right in the sight of God and man! When that happens, it won't be long! However, until that happens, nothing will change for you - ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! God made YOU a winner friend. Stop playing like a loser. Take responsibility! Become the winner that God created you to be!! And we'll all be cheering you on as you do just that! Rant Over! God Bless! ❤️ - Brad