Brad Barton
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Brad Barton
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Ezekiel 10

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ATTN ALL AMERICANS!! 🇺🇸 Do you happen to know someone who needs serious help? Don't let them suffer any longer! Share this video w/them right away. After all, it is our patriotic duty … ya know! 💯 🤷‍♂️
The Absolute Best Thing I've Seen In Months! 💯 President Trump ❤️s Our Country, America The Beautiful!! 🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸
Addressing 'Tolerance' & 'Pride'!!!

Since I haven't made a 'Pride' month post 🙄and it's almost over 🙏, I thought I better do so before it's too late. This is THE Absolute Best 2 min I have ever heard addressing this abomination! Don't @ me! I didn't say it. GOD did!! 💥🔥✝️


Next 'Lil' Talk Show' w/Brad will be tomorrow (Fri) night @ 9pm ET! See ya soooooon! 😁


OK so I’m sure most of you have already seen pics of our precious little granddaughter but I just couldn’t not post a few of my favs. Now let me qualify what I’m about to say by being totally upfront about the fact that I don’t pay a whole lot of attention to babies and they all seem to look kinda alike to me. I also am fully aware that I’m biased. So w/that said, this HAS to be THE prettiest baby I’ve ever seen! 👀🤷‍♂️🥰 I’m still not crazy about accepting the fact that I’m an “old grandpa” but I guess I’ll take it as long as getting to keep this here little sweetheart is part of the deal! 😍😘 #Wow #Thankful #Blessed

Ezekiel 11

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